from turtle import* import time speed(0) penup() bgcolor(0,0,1) time.sleep(10) bgcolor(1,1,1) pendown() color(0,1,0) for x in range(1, 37): #This makes the green square centre! It loops 36 times! pensize(2) forward(50) right(90) forward(50) right(90) forward(50) right(90) forward(50) right(90) left(10) color(1,0,0) for x in range(1, 37): #This makes the red half triangles!It loops 36 times! pensize(2) forward(100) right(120) forward(100) forward(100) right(120) penup() goto (0,0) pendown() left(10) color(0,0,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This makes a larger blue square!It loops 36 times! pensize(2) forward(100) right(90) forward(100) right(90) forward(100) right(90) forward(100) right(90) left(10) color(1,1,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This adds a white circle into the middle!It loops 36 times! circle(40) left(10) color(0,1,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This adds a blue circle into the middle!It loops 36 times! circle(40) left(10) color(1,0,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This adds a pink circle into the middle!It loops 36 times! circle(40) left(10) color("yellow") for x in range(1, 37): #Replaces the pink area with yellow!It loops 36 times! circle(40) left(10) color("orange") for x in range(0, 36): # Orange pentagons!It loops 36 times! pensize(2) for y in range(0,5): forward(150) left(360/5) left(10) color(0,0,0) for x in range(0, 36): #Black circles!It loops 36 times! circle(100) left(10) penup() forward(500) pendown() color(0,1,0) for x in range(1, 37): #This makes the green square centre!It loops 36 times! pensize(5) forward(50) right(90) forward(50) right(90) forward(50) right(90) forward(50) right(90) left(10) color(1,0,0) for x in range(1, 37): #This makes the red half triangles!It loops 36 times! pensize(5) forward(100) right(120) forward(100) forward(100) right(120) penup() goto (500,0) pendown() left(10) color(0,0,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This makes a larger blue square!It loops 36 times! pensize(5) forward(100) right(90) forward(100) right(90) forward(100) right(90) forward(100) right(90) left(10) color(1,1,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This adds a white circle into the middle!It loops 36 times! circle(40) left(10) color(0,1,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This adds a blue circle into the middle!It loops 36 times! circle(40) left(10) color(1,0,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This adds a pink circle into the middle!It loops 36 times! circle(40) left(10) color("yellow") for x in range(1, 37): #Replaces the pink area with yellow!It loops 36 times! circle(40) left(10) color("orange") for x in range(0, 36): # Orange pentagons!It loops 36 times! pensize(5) for y in range(0,5): forward(150) left(360/5) left(10) color(0,0,0) for x in range(0, 36): #Black circles!It loops 36 times! circle(100) left(10) penup() backward(1000) pendown() color(0,1,0) for x in range(1, 37): #This makes the green square centre!It loops 36 times! pensize(15) forward(50) right(90) forward(50) right(90) forward(50) right(90) forward(50) right(90) left(10) color(1,0,0) for x in range(1, 37): #This makes the red half triangles!It loops 36 times! pensize(5) forward(100) right(120) forward(100) forward(100) right(120) penup() goto (-500,0) pendown() left(10) color(0,0,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This makes a larger blue square!It loops 36 times! pensize(5) forward(100) right(90) forward(100) right(90) forward(100) right(90) forward(100) right(90) left(10) color(1,1,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This adds a white circle into the middle!It loops 36 times! circle(40) left(10) color(0,1,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This adds a blue circle into the middle!It loops 36 times! circle(40) left(10) color(1,0,1) for x in range(1, 37): #This adds a pink circle into the middle!It loops 36 times! circle(40) left(10) color("yellow") for x in range(1, 37): #Replaces the pink area with yellow! circle(40) left(10) color("orange") for x in range(0, 36): # Orange pentagons!It loops 36 times! pensize(5) for y in range(0,5): forward(150) left(360/5) left(10) color(0,0,0) for x in range(0, 36): #Black circles!It loops 36 times! circle(100) left(10)